Mike's F'd Up Journey Sans Frontières

Mike's F'd Up Journey Sans Frontières

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

MFUJ is coming to a youtube near you! Wait, does that sound dirty? We're trying to advertise the new MFUJ short film series that is going to be made soon, but I'm not sure I'm digging this blog title. It has let us all down. Just play Hayling and call it a night.

Everything that has a beginning has an end. Every hero must face his darkest hour. All journeys must come to a close. You reap what you sow. Every cliché must be said with a deep voice set to a dramatic score.
So when does the Dark Knight Rises premiere?

That’s not what we were talking about… you know it’s getting to the point where I can’t write anything without someone…

Bane is going to be so awesome! Not lame like he was in that 90’s film where the lady who was mad at Bill had her hair dyed red and the governator was blue and that doctor from ER was pretending to be pointy ear man with those things on his costume’s chest…

Oh no, here he goes.

…And the guy who had to get married in order to inherit millions of dollars played red armored guy and the girl who was in the Clueless movie but not the TV show was also wearing a cape and mask even though she was related to the butler instead of the police commissioner…

*sigh* Are you finished?

…and the butler was the only guy to be in all four movies even though they had a bunch of different dudes playing the rich guy who liked beating up crooks and driving fancy cars while dressed in his Halloween costume.

Actually, we were just going to announce a series of short films that we are producing about the members of MFUJ this summer.


Before MFUJ was even making music or writing ridiculous escapist blog posts, they were in a short film series that got cancelled after 7 episodes.

Didn’t no one watch those?

No, and that was some atrocious grammar. Double negatives, WTF? Just because the original Guitar Hero satire (that was mostly improvised and poorly acted) didn’t do well, doesn’t mean the concept was flawed.

Doesn’t it?

Anyways, we’re starting the films with series protagonist Brick and his coming to grips with the fact that the band he started is no longer his own… Drama! Too much? Probably. I think the exclamation point gives it a certain tone that may be misleading. We’ll just walk away slowly and pretend that never happened. That’ll probably be for the best. The last thing we want is to be associated with THAT crowd… Oh, I mean Reality TV stars not… oh nevermind. I’m getting word that our PR person is very angry at us so we’re going to have to wrap up this block of text.

MFUJ films coming soon. Stay tuned.

And now an awesome song to distract you.

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