Last time we saw our protagonist, Brick, he had just broken out of his depressing downward spiral and was ready to get back to business, the business of rock! (Too corny? Whatever…) There would be no more holding his tongue every time MFUJ’s manager, G Mod, made ridiculous plans to make money off of the band’s infamy, like releasing a series of fragrances based on the personalities and odors of each individual member of the band. Yes, it seems that all it took for Brick to regain the spark and enthusiasm he had back in his early days (We are referencing the original Brickman series which is now only available on out of print region 4 DVDs) was to cut his ridiculously long and remarkably fast growing hair (kind of like what Metallica did in the 90’s except this has had the opposite effect). But enough about Brick’s past.
Tensions in the band have been swirling around. Slate is obviously G Mod’s favorite sycophant so he has obviously been receiving the most attention and perks from the burnt out 80’s rock singer turned megalomaniac record producer. Tigerman, who just completed the fourth of his five scheduled “To My First Wife” love letters, was instantly ridiculed by the band’s lead singer for spending all his time fantasizing about monogamy and not enough time exploring the “beautiful world of hedonistic debauchery”. Shadow, after having his book deal revoked, has been in an incredibly irate mood. Further complicating his mood is anxiety over Brick’s recent transformation back into a confrontational, edgy guitarist with little to no natural talent of any kind. If the moody, falcon bandana wearing musician were to irritate the upper management, G Mod would be compelled to reveal that Shadow had been acting as his right hand this whole time. Who knows how Brick would react to this betrayal?
Have we spun everything into some sort ofconvoluted soap opera for the interwebs? Perhaps. But we’ve given you other genres as well. Comedy, drama, horror, rambling prose (yes, it is a genre. It is most commonly found in novels about accountants and lion tamers that exceed 500 pages in length. We kid you not. Ever read “Out of the Lion’s Mouth and Into Debt?” 600 pages of pure, FDA approved BS).
The band is on its way to the recording studio to film the second webisode as well as record their third and final (?) cover medley. No one is speaking to anyone else. You can cut the tension with a chainsaw and still break it halfway through the cutting part.
That’s about all we care to sum up for this entry. If you, my enemy, did not enjoy it, well then why the hell did you even read it? Don’t you just hate it when someone has so much free time on their hands that they will go out of their way just to badmouth something they don’t like? I wish there was a word for people like you. Trolls? Yeah. Go live under a bridge you troll! Ha! Play the music, we’re outta here!
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