Perhaps it was an attempt to end a longstanding malaise or perhaps it was just an exercise in rapid filmmaking. It doesn't matter. The crew at MFUJSF have decided to continue the Webisode series with a fourth entry. Is it a prequel like we may have suggested it might be? No, sir. Excuse me, madam. Is it a clever allegory for the unachievable nature of the American Dream? No, or, probably not. Is it like some weird dream? Perhaps, but without the unexpected nudity and cryptic imagery and dialogue.
In fact, no one knows why we even did a fourth entry. It's not like the first three were particularly lauded or successful. Could it be that, like Shadow in the episode, we were trying to find meaning in a thankless and self-destructive world only to find that, at that the end of the day, we all just fade away into the abyss from which we cannot escape? Perhaps that's too deep a description for what is essentially a disjointed farce with a bit of melodrama stuck in there for some sort of storytelling purposes.
Whenever a series starts to expand beyond the comfy confines of a trilogy, you have to wonder if they still have quality stories to tell? Did Rocky need to get political by fighting a gargantuan Swede posing as a Soviet brute? Did Indiana Jones really need to add Shia LaBeouf to the cast and fight the Soviets (Really? Again with the Soviets?) Did John McClane really need to pair up with the Mac guy to fight a bunch of dangerous nerds? Probably not.
So then why, why did we make this 4th episode and have it star the only band member to not appear on camera since 2009?
We just felt like it.
'Nuff said. Watch the video. WATCH IT!
If you think we get tired of coming up with songs to end these blogs with, you've got another thing coming!
This video.
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