Mike's F'd Up Journey Sans Frontières

Mike's F'd Up Journey Sans Frontières

Saturday, April 21, 2012

MFUJ's sometimes complex, sometimes deranged, but always evil manager, G Mod, stoops to an all time low (or should we say high?) of escapism: Trying to raise $65 million to leave Earth's orbit. Ground Control to Major Idiot...

Long time readers of MFUJSF's blog (or people who can briefly skim through old entries for a couple of hours and then think of themselves as long time readers) are aware by now that the manager of the band has not always made the most financially sound business decisions: He refused to reunite with his old band, Super Mario and the Koopa Troopas, when they were recently inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame; He refuses to buy value packs or bundles of anything, choosing to buy everything in individual sized packages; he paid for MFUJ drummer Shadow's books of poetry and school essays to be published despite the lack of interest from the book buying public; he decided that devoting all his time to managing a group of four musicians who no longer wanted to make any music together and playing psycho mindgames with them was a valid midlife crisis  choice.

But his latest financial blunder is sure to put the others to shame. In a recent impromptu press conference on a local flight from one end of Florida to another, he announced his quest to go to the moon. Before being tackled by the air marshal for raving on and on while running up and down the aisles, G Mod announced that he is seeking financial donations to raise the 65 million dollars it would require to go into outer space and do a spacewalk. One confused passenger slipped the misguided record producer twenty bucks before G Mod's inevitable takedown and extradition to an undisclosed interrogation room. The twenty was later confiscated as 'evidence' by a secret serv...no we're not making that joke.

Some have speculated that G Mod's desire to go to space is  a sign that he has grown weary of the semi-retired rock band that he has managed since mid 2007. Others think it is just another misstep in a career built almost exclusively on missteps. And then there are some who speculate that this blog has strange swings in mood and direction, sometimes veering off into depressing melodrama and other times into unbelievable and unrelatable screwball comedy. Well, uh, no comment? Ugh, we really need a PR person (Now hiring! No pay, but free dental insurance, if you don't mind a six foot tiger drilling your teeth.)

Will G Mod make into space? Or, more importantly, will he ever get out of the dark room that he is being interrogated in? Who knows. Enough of this bull. Time for Space Oddity   

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