"And that's all I have to say about my plans and well everything you would want know," said the malevolent record producer as he... Wait a minute. We're missing a huge piece of plot, exposition and nudity. HMMM? No nudity? Ok. I'm bored. Rewind please.
"What is going on, G Mod?" asked Tigerman. "It seems like weeks have gone by and still you haven't told me why you're here."
"Kitty, kitty. You never were observant, were you? We put a few attractive pieces of ass in front of you and you lose all focus." Whoa, whoa, whoa. Now how did that get past the censors? Oh, they were looking at her with the ... and the... Whooo... If only I weren't a disembodied voice composed solely of italicized text.
"I've ended the band. I was never interested in the collective whining and musical cacophony that you produced. I was after something much more precious. The future."
"What?" the confused tiger asked as he tried to escape, only to be slammed back down into his seat by the powerful arm of a conflicted gorilla.
"My business is time. I deal with futures. Deal in them... Whatever."
"What does that...?"
"You don't get it? My goal this whole time was to ruin Brick's future."
"It's valuable to me. I had to prevent him from achieving any sort of success or happiness. I sabotaged every move he ever made. I brought back his darker half, Slate, out of captivity by using monkey brain over there. I made sure he got expelled from school, got dishonorably discharged from that military that he tried to join and I ruined his credit score beyond salvation. I gave him no option but to be in the band. The only wild card was you."
"Yeah, you deaf cat. Slate would verbally abuse Brick and give him false hopes of the band meaning something before snatching them away and Shadow would undermine Brick's every attempt to be free of the confines of my grasp, but you? You were the only positive influence he had in his life. He recruited you personally into the band because you reminded him of a simpler time. Before reality tv and self destruction entered his mind. I tried my best to isolate him from you, but you two were inseparable. until I got you this job where you could ogle the ladies all day long."
"You got me the job!"
"Yes, I know the owner...cause, as of now, I am the owner. You see, the former owner was a big believer in pre-twentieth century customs and when I challenged him to a duel, he accepted and I bested him."
"So that's why I haven't seen him..."
"Oh there's more. Like I told you, my business is time. I stole what time that douche had left and channeled it into the tower. You see that's the secret ingredient to my endgame. I profit at expense of others futures. It's a pretty standard business model and it's working for me."
"This all seem like you copied the plot of an episode of Angel."
"Oh! That's where I got the idea. That casino episode with Gunn... or was it Lorne? I had totally forgotten. Thanks for reminding me. You're not totally worthless after all."
"What are you going to do with me?"
"Nothing. you're future is worthless to me. I just needed to isolate you from him so that I could finally extract his future. It's the key to completing the tower. The final brick, if you will."
"Why him?"
"It always had to be him. He was the key to all of this. But he had to be defeated, literally and spiritually before I could achieve my goal. And now those foolish occuppy protesters will end up sacrificing someone who actually could have been their leader just because I told them to."
"No..." murmured Tigerman as the tower flashed a mighty shade of crimson as another person's future was absorbed into the giant metaphor... I mean tower.
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