Mike's F'd Up Journey Sans Frontières

Mike's F'd Up Journey Sans Frontières

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rainy Day Blues: Where are you, Sun?

It was just another one of those days at the MFUJSF offices. It had been dark and rainy outside all day; the only light you could get was from the harsh fluorescent bulbs on the ceiling that made you see how much dust was flying in the air. If you looked out through the cheap venetian blinds, you saw a world swirling in grey mist. Trees with budding leaves were dancing in the wind, cats hid in their corners, biding their time. Uneven drops of water peppered the ground in either tiny droplets or vertical streams. Through all of this Brick saw his reflection stare back at him, a dark grey translucent version of himself staring back at him with an equally bored glance. Behind his reflection he saw Shadow walk behind him, soaked and miserable.
“Some day we’re having, huh?”
“What? Oh yes, I suppose it is.”
“You alright?” Brick inquired after finally taking a break from window gazing and began stretching his tense limbs out.
“The downpour outside is just horrendous. Do you know how annoying wet fur is? Be glad you only have it on the top of your head. It’s no picnic, believe me.”
“Can’t you just shake it all off?”
“What do I look like? A golden retriever? No, I’m going my room and get my hair dryer.”
“Don’t you mean a fur dryer?”
Shadow gave Brick one of those glances that a fed up teacher gives to an unruly student.
“Yes. Hilarious. If anyone needs me, I’ll be drying myself.”
“Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yes! Please, just let me be. Go bother Tigerman or Slate.”
“Tigerman went across town to the farmer’s market and I don’t know where Slate is.”
“He’s probably out on one of his binges again. Let’s just hope we don’t have to come pick him up at the local precinct again. Sometimes I wonder if he’s more trouble than he’s worth. We could always make it as a three piece band. It’s not like we need a frontman who can’t even carry a tune.”
“He’s my brother...” Brick sighs as he plunks down on the couch next to the vending machine.
“Yes…family, huh?  Always disappointing us.”
“You have any family, Shadow?”
“That’s a story for another time…”
After wringing out the water from the fur on his hands, Shadow notices the melancholy slump in his bandmates expression.
“Is everything alright Brick?”
“I was just wondering if there was something more to this life. We work hard on our music, I work hard on my novel but somehow there’s this voice in me that tells me it’s not enough…”
“Well, it’s understandable that someone your age might want to have more to their life than just their art. You should try getting out of the office once in a while. When was the last time you went somewhere?”
“There’s nothing out there but darkness and hurt feelings…And before you say it, yeah that sounds totally emo and I don’t care. What? Are we supposed to be emotionless automatons? **** that. I’m better off working on my projects here. The rains of the world would just wash the real me away until there was nothing left, diluting who I really am into just another schmuck. If I stay here, my potential is unlimited.”
“Potential that isn’t realized, is just that. Potential. If you want to do something, you’ve got to get out there and do it.”
“I guess.”
“Don’t worry” Shadow says with a somber but encouraging tone as he pats Brick on the back. “You’ll figure something out. You’re not the one I’m worried about. Slate’s been going out of control again. I’m afraid he’ll drag us all down with him.”
As Shadow starts walking towards his office, Brick mumbles “I got a call from G Mod today.”
Shadow pauses in mid-step, clenching his paws. “Our prodigal ex-manager? What did he want?”
 “He plans on stopping by the offices soon.”
“Suddenly the wet fur doesn’t seem so bad.”
“You alright, Shadow?”
“I don’t know if any of us are going to be alright with that jerk back in town.”
Shadow heads into his private office and closes his door as Brick lies on the couch staring at the windows streaked with rain waiting for the sun that wasn’t going to come.

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